I had just come back into my room, after lighting up some fireworks and knockouts when it struck me that bad as twendy twendy had been, lots of people are really grateful and positive. ‘How did you come to this conclusion?’ You may wonder. Fireworks! Knockouts! Okay. I’ll make this make sense. I don’t think anyone without gratitude and hope, would spend money on fireworks, or stay up till 12am, just for the ceremony of knocking out twendy twenty. And o boy! I tell you, the amount of knockouts and fire works that have gone into the sky, leaves me with a certainty that while 2020 may have been the ‘dreary year,’ it was also one of hope.

Did I have resolutions for 2020? No. But I did have plans which were ruined by the pandemic. I’ve lost a whole academic year, all thanks to ‘Coloma vilus.’ Twendy twendy, was my closest to being depressed. The first few months were blessings to me, I got to spend a lot of lone time; gave my body and soul proper care; loved myself more; found my be-you-ty-full; I found friends in four beautiful ladies that were just acquaintances, before the lockdown.

A few months later, I felt my life was stagnant; no school, no job, no skill, nothing! It bothered me that an extra year in school was being shoved down my neck, and that my mother still had to give me daily allowance. Ah mean, am I back in my past? Am I still 13? Unfortunately, that was my reality. A sugar mummy like me, still collecting money for snacks and whatever, everyday. And then came the End SARS movement, that was the straw that broke the Carmel’s back. I was very livid about the whole situation, it got me feeling helpless, coupled with the helplessness from the uncertainties the future holds. I love to be in control of my life, but Covid-19, Nigerian government and leaders, and ASUU said, ‘Not this year, madam I-love-to-be-in-control.’

A whole lot of terrible things happened (there were good things too, no doubt), I can’t even list them all. Luckily, I’ve been blessed with the gift of happiness and contentment. Despite all the setbacks and chaos, I chose to be happy and not be weighed down. Though I let myself feel other emotions that isn’t related to happiness, I always found room for happiness. I always found a reason to smile— the radiant moon, dressed in her glamorous golden robe, with silver linings; people that genuinely love me and constantly remind me, with their actions; my fine ass low maintenace hair and skin; the wild but charmingly clothed flowers; my goofiness; my oxygen, my mother; my sweet siblings, and family, generally. These are just some, out of many reasons I had, to smile. Twendy twendy wanted me to drown in misery, but little did it know that I’m garri, I can’t be drowned, I’ll only rise to become bigger.

Now, I’m lying in my bed, writing this, in the year world people say is 2021, with no resolutions or expectations. After all, Coloma is still very much around, and we still have the same government. While I do not have expectations, I can only hope that this year is better and that God heals those that were wounded or scarred in twendy twendy.

We breathe in positivity here, no bad vibes or energy. Amen? Cheers to soaring above all negativity.

Is this the point where I wish you, my very dear reader, a happy new year, not minding that we’re in the second week already? Anyway, tell me, do you have expectations for 2021? I want to hear it all.

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  1. Karunwi Samuel January 9, 2021 at 6:42 pm

    Wow 2020 was a year (and by a year I mean a very great year) but 2021 we move. On new year resolutions I actually believe the so called new year is another day (but the consciousness of turning a new page in the calendar is what is exciting). But goals yes I have.

    Wishing you the best of 2021

    1. Sonia Robby-Agboiyi - Site Author January 11, 2021 at 1:48 pm

      Thank you, Karunwi. I hope you get to achieve all your set goals.

  2. Ifeyinwa January 10, 2021 at 9:33 pm

    Twendy Twendy was a dreadful year for me, a scary one aswell aside the nations wahala/palava and just like you it thought me a lot of things about myself, most importantly showed me how much strength I possess and that I’m proud of. I don’t have any resolution per say but I just promised myself to have everything I lost in double folds with God helping me so 🍻🥂 to soaring above all negativity. Happy new year to you too 🌹

  3. Kenechukwu January 11, 2021 at 6:20 am

    I had plans and expectations for the year just gone by. Although I don’t write them down or officially acknowledge them as goals or resolutions or whatever, at the back of my mind, I still have them. Sadly, none of the major ones for twendy twendy became a reality.
    So, this year, I’m carrying over all of them and then some. I’ve expectations and goals and all whatnot. (In Daddy Freeze’s voice) Nwanne, this year go rugged o!
    Due to how hard the pandemic hit me personally, I put life on cruise mode, no missions (car race gamers will understand this better😂😂), nothing to challenge or motivate me since I knew all my expectations would be cut short. A brother should’ve just adjusted focus, goals and expectations right? There are no regrets though, only lessons.

    We meuuuuve!

    1. Sonia Robby-Agboiyi - Site Author January 11, 2021 at 1:52 pm

      We meuuuve!😂 That’s the spirit.

      And I like how you have no regrets, just lessons learnt. Regrets on lg hold you back, it’s good to just take the lessons from a bad experience, and meeuuuve.

  4. Anonymous January 13, 2021 at 5:06 pm

    You know it’s funny how one would have thought he/she is the only one stagnant… Yeah, people still made progress during the whole lockdown and even made bigger and twice their normal pay but then internet did the most when it comes to oppression.
    Lot of lives were lost, lot would have also been lost (can remember being weak and 2020 almost getting the best of me)but we are still here

    Positive vibes only right?🙃
    No expectations for 2020 as to current 2021(mostly brings disappointment) Just to see through the year again and hopefully something to bring out of it

    1. Sonia Robby-Agboiyi - Site Author January 13, 2021 at 7:01 pm

      Yeah, hope is what we need. Let’s keep our fingers crossed, and hope for the best.

  5. nicholasugonwosu January 25, 2021 at 12:09 pm

    Me dear eh, my only expectation for 2021 is to get done with uni.

    I started 2020 with fierce and zeal of “it’s gonna be a busy but great year for me”. But along the year, the things I planned just went flat. Sometimes, I look myself in mirror and I’m like; “guy you a disappointment Sha”. Was I depressed, yhh! A lot! But for some reason, I’ve got the demeanor that would make people think I’m nonchalant cos I’m always happy and don’t show too much worry.

    So, for this 2021, no resolution, no much expectations. But I’m just been hopeful on things.

    1. Sonia Robby-Agboiyi - Site Author January 25, 2021 at 10:33 pm

      Yes, hope is what keeps us move. I wish you the very best, and thanks for sharing.


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