Posts in Beauty

Finding a Husband Who Loves Rainbows

Light-skinned, eloquent, stylish, beautiful, and brilliant. Those are words I’d describe Mrs. Okafor with. She was what this generation of kids would call a baddie principal. The woman had style and class and obviously had a thing for the colours “wine” and red. Think of DJ Cuppy, but the red-obsessed version. We could say DJ Cuppy is to pink, and Mrs. Okafor is to red.

Whatever hairstyle she had or was going to have, one thing was certain: it would be red. Her perm, braids, and weave-ons were all red. Her car was red and slick, too. I found myself wanting to be like her “when I grow up.” “Grow up” being when I graduate from secondary school and start to grow my hair.

BTS of my second convocation shoot

I was really excited to start growing my hair and have my own signature hair colour. I wanted red or ginger, especially red because the baddie principal made it such a cool colour. I had this conversation with my mom when I eventually got to SSS3, and she was excited for me. Once I finished school and started to grow my hair to a certain length, we’d dye my hair red. That was our agreement.

The time would eventually come, and I’d grow my hair for three years without executing my grand plan. Even my mother wondered why. I was scared of damaging my hair and kept procrastinating. It became much harder to pull off when I started my natural hair journey three years later. I lived that dream through colourful extensions, and my favourites were purple and blue before I added green to the list. Red didn’t even make it.

Fast forward to nine or ten years since I had that conversation with my mom: I would be ready.
I was upset by the state of my natural hair, which I had grown for four years. It was severely damaged, and I had two options: to cut it off or to trim and loc it before eventually cutting and starting over. However, I felt a need to get a new colour. Now was the time. I was ready. I’d already decided to go ginger. For the longest time, I’d admired ginger heads. I preferred it to blonde. It was either that or purple or green, which seemed extreme to me.

One would think I’d get my mother’s full blessing and even extra when I informed her of my plan. I even sent pictures of the loc styles I was considering. Her response made me want to ask for my real mother, because there was no way the woman talking behind my phone was Iye Ekata.

How do you go from cheering your daughter’s idea of dying hair to saying it was irresponsible? This was the same woman who had the hack of using eyeshadow to temporarily tint a part of her short hair blonde when she was younger. I was mad at whoever she had been rolling with in my absence. They were bad influence and had corrupted the woman’s good manners.

I was upset. I didn’t like her new perspective, but I understood her and respected it. According to her, as a young, unaccomplished girl, no one would take me seriously if I went around with coloured hair, especially coloured locs. Thanks to profiling. I argued that there are very successful and respectable women with coloured hair who are doing well. She agreed, but didn’t think taking a chance on it was wise. She said I should be done with school and be well placed first before deciding I want to look like a tout or pepper seller.

She added, “When you get married, you can do whatever you want if your husband likes it. If you like dye it rainbow, wear your nonsense…” By the way, the poor woman doesn’t approve of my skin-revealing outfits because responsible people don’t dress like that. We’ve had several arguments and agreed that I’ll only be “irresponsible” away from her to avoid arguments. Wait until she finds out I wear anklets. Anyway, when I’m in Rome, I behave like a Roman.

But why am I telling you this? I’m telling you because I need help. I need a husband urgently because the strong urge to go ginger has revisited me. Who knows a man who wouldn’t mind his wife carrying a rainbow on her head and wearing irresponsible outfits? The irresponsible outfit is not even an issue. I’m nearing the age and era where I will evolve into a different style. This phase shall pass, but the need to play around with my hair will not and shall not. Just like my love for accessorizing with cowries shall never die.

So, dear friend, if you know any man who fits this description or you are the man, help my life and donate them or yourself to me. In fact, I’m donating myself. And please, don’t ask me what I’ll bring to the table. All I can offer is a chair with four balanced legs.


Several weeks after writing this, my mother visited me, saw my decorated ankle, shook her head, and gently said in our dialect, “Child, you don’t need all these things you’re doing, ehn. People will think you are irresponsible even if you’re not.” She went on to add that she didn’t have a problem with what I did with myself. The woman was only concerned about how the world would perceive me.

She thinks I might have a problem finding a man who will take me seriously enough to marry me. Again, she said, “If the person you’re seeing or your husband doesn’t mind, wear whatever you like. So long as he likes it.” Then I responded with, “Don’t worry, he will like anklets.” She mistook that for, “I have a man, and he likes the nonsense I wear.”

Looking back at her excitement, I can’t help but smile. With a sheepish smile, she said, “Enh, that’s good. If there’s a man in the picture and he likes it, that’s fine.” I started to laugh and quickly corrected the impression. I had to let her know that her big baby is a single pringle.

By the way, I own a ginger hair now, and my mom loves it. After all, it is not my real hair. As much as I like to be a coconut head sometimes, I know my mom has my best interests at heart, even if I don’t necessarily agree with some of her perspectives. And to be honest, I totally understand her standpoint.

With all that being said, I’m looking for a responsible, God-loving man who likes his woman wearing a rainbow on her head and beads on her ankles and waist. For serious business only. Tenks.

A Story of Art Meeting Art

Who is in the garden?

Art. It makes the world worth living. Art in forms of paintings, writing, fashion, music, and nature. Art in human form. That’s right. Every form of art makes life worth living. I am obsessed with art, so it isn’t surprising that I am also a beautiful piece of it. “You are what you’re attracted to.” –Ekata, 2023. But I beg you, quote me at your own risk. I shall not be held responsible for the ridicule you may attract.

For the first time in my 73 years of schooling here, I attended a proper social function. You know why? It was all about the arts! I was super excited when my friend shared the flyer with me, asking if I’d be free. Of course, I would. It didn’t matter that I had to put work on hold. We are talking about art and music fusion. For free, for that matter. Hell, yes! I was free.

How it started.

I arrived the event looking like one of the exhibits, registered, and got in to feed my eyes and soul with some creations human with just one head like me made.

As I walked around waiting for the acts to begin their performances, I stumbled upon some artists painting a couple of people’s faces. I thought those people were models for the event, so I sat and admired them, wishing I could have my face painted too. I was impressed by a particular young man’s painting; I had to compliment him and the model.

When I noticed people from planets away approaching the artist, whom I had complimented, to have their faces painted, I was like, “Enhen?! Before my eyes?” I was forced to go ask him if anyone could have their face painted, and I got a positive answer. Without thinking, I asked if I could get one. So I waited my turn with the excitement of a child. I even caught myself bouncing.

While waiting, Ekata, the worrier, showed up. You know what her concerns were? “What if my skin reacts to their paint and breaks out?” “But I haven’t taken good pictures yet. If I get to paint my face now and I find someone to take my pictures later, I’ll be left with only pictures of me with painting.” Ekata, the art lover, instantly shut the worrier up with irritation.

It was finally my turn. “Just do anything you think would fit my face,” I told the artist. With a smile of acknowledgement, the artist held my face gingerly and started to paint, but there was a problem. He was really struggling to paint smoothly. “Your face is oily,” he said, looking concerned. Of course, it was expected since I splashed 21 litres of coconut oil on my face and whole body before the event.

Thankfully, I had a small towel in my purse, so I took it out, wiped the part he was trying to paint on, and made the devil weep. Of course, it’s always better to blame the devil than the actual culprit.

So we go again, he holds my face with the gentleness of a lover and begins to paint, and my heart starts to bla-bla-blu. He suddenly felt too close to me, and it began to feel like we had been on it for hours. At some point, I think my heart crawled to my cheeks, then to my eyes, and back to its original position.

Minutes (it was probably seconds) into the painting, I let out a smile that I had been holding back for fear of ruining the process and let him know I was really nervous. He gave back a knowing smile, like he could sense the several bombs ticking off in my body and told me I had no reason to be. I was slightly embarrassed when he smiled back and wondered what he was thinking.

I had always known I wouldn’t make a great face model, but I became more confident at that moment. I don’t know how to be still. I can be a shaky-shaky auntie, especially when work is being done around my eyes. If I didn’t know better, I’d have thought I was helplessly in love with this lovely young man because what happened at that moment is precisely how Silhouette and Harlequin books would describe a scene between potential lovers trying to mask their true emotions.

When he finally finished painting my face, he proceeded to paint my arm as I requested. Guess what I got. A flame-like painting, as the queen of flames that I am. When he finished, I thanked him for the painting and asked for a picture with him. I should have asked for his phone number or Instagram handle too. I totally loved both paintings. Anyway, I went on to enjoy the rest of the activities, feeling like the finest piece of art in the room cos “new painting, new me.”

I watched a talented artist do some live drawings of random people, took in the spoken word poetry performed to open the event, and was blown away by the dance performances—which got me teary at some point—the music performances, and the bands.

The artist, his muse, and his art.

While thoroughly enjoying the performances by one of the bands/instrumentalists, the gbedu fully entered my body. I found my rhythmless self moving energetically to Lagbaja’s Konko Below. Can you believe it? I forgot to be shy or conscious. That should tell you how much I enjoyed my time at the event. To think that I almost gave in to the urge to stay in bed, away from the sun. It would have taken me 27 years to forgive myself. It was indeed a day to remember.

Special thanks to Aggie for the invitation. May your life always be colourful and exciting.

Ekata, The Queen of Flames

The Girl in the Mirror

Mirror, mirror on the building! Who is the fairest of them all?

If you ask me what I’d like to change about my physical features and I say some BS about loving myself the way I am and all that nonsense talk, just know I’ve successfully served you a cold sobo (zobo), a very cold one with more ice than liquid.

Of course, I’m a fine girl. Skin on fleek. Hair on fleek. Soft bum-bum wey dey change destiny. A handful of succulent East-West breasts. I mean, I’m a spec. But do I have insecurities? Hell to the YEAH! I hate my teeth! I’m not even going to try to sugarcoat it. I know hate is a strong word, but I really do hate my dentition. I wonder maybe it’s because I was in such a hurry to leave the warehouse for babies in wherever-humans-are-made, and the artists hurriedly threw teeth in my gum as Nigerians throw spices in food. For context, I was a tenant in my mama’s belly for only 7 months.

I hate that I can’t smile with every cell in my face like Mmesoma, Nkechinyere, or Daniel ( my baby daddy no 2). I love people who can smile and laugh without holding back for the camera. If you know me in person, you’d know I laugh a lot with my whole body and mouth. I don’t have good laughing manners… but. Yes, there’s a but. I reflexly cover my mouth when I laugh because I hate my teeth. Have you seen the several plots of land I have in my teeth? Not only does it make me feel ‘unbeautiful,’ but it also causes me physical pain.

Guess what I was doing here… Right! Hiding my teeth from the camera.

I love pictures where unplanned moments are captured. Like a moment of genuine laughter or smile, the kind that reaches the eyes. Of a thoughtful expression. Of the love in someone’s eyes when looking at the one they love. Of the different kinds of emotions. But I hate it when I’m caught with my 34 out in the open because I don’t think I look good with my teeth all out (I was blessed with the wisdom tooth twice, so 34 isn’t a blunder). In all honesty, I think I look like a grinning donkey when I smile with my teeth out.

I’ve been considering getting braces to fix them when I can afford it myself. At the same time, I don’t want to lose my diastema. It has become a part of my identity. Unfortunately, most people in my life don’t even know I have one. I’m always either pouting, serving a straight face or my “cheekful” smile in my pictures, so I can’t really blame them. “But don’t you talk? They should be able to notice it when you talk,” you may ask. Let’s just say my beauty makes them lose focus. Or my wisdom. Has to be one of the two, or both.

I hate how aggressive the veins on the back of my hands are. I don’t like my slender fingers when my nails are really short. I also don’t like how my arms look out of proportion with my body. They’re unusually long for a shortie like me. As for my long flat feet, I’ve made peace with them. They’re actually not bad until I wear sneakers, and you’ll start to wonder, “whose shoes did this one borrow?”

Veins and Vanity.

Of all the things I’d like to change about my features, my teeth take the lead by a wide margin. As for the others, they don’t bother me, but if I get a pain-free and money-free chance to change them, I wouldn’t need to sleep on them.

Maybe like my wide lips and stretch marks on my butt cheeks, which I’ve genuinely grown to love, I’ll love my jaga-jaga teeth someday. Not like I see that ever happening, but a girl can hope, right?

Again, I know I am beautiful. But I have my days too. Days when I feel my “beautiful” is overhyped by my lovers and cheerleaders. Days when my confidence is ‘shook.’ On days like that, I don’t even attempt to look beautiful. I could plaster all the makeup on my face, wear the best outfit, and still won’t feel beautiful. And I think it’s okay to feel that way sometimes. I don’t think we were made to feel and experience only positive things. Cos how else would we value the positive feelings and experiences when they come?

So I don’t bother anymore. Days when I don’t feel beautiful, I just tell myself, “they’ve seen your beautiful moments several times. That you’re beautiful is no longer news. They’ll survive this one time. I can’t always be fine, abeg.” 

And there are days when my beauty overwhelms me. I’m not exaggerating; I wake up from sleep looking and feeling way more beautiful than before I slept. By the way, I get overwhelmed when I see beautiful people. I literally lose my breath, and my heart starts to race. For real, for real. I love beautiful people, but I hate how they make me feel. So on some days, I am “beautiful people,” and I legit say the things I say to other beautiful people to myself. 

On days like that, every time I walk past the mirror, I wonder how God did it and think, “dayum, girl! Aren’t you God’s favourite, cos all this beauty for one person?” My skin, eyes, and hair glow differently. I wonder if it’s only me who sees it or if an obvious change really takes place. It’s usually a crazy feeling when it happens. Like what happened in the place where people go when they sleep? What changed between the previous night and this morning? 

Anyway, I think everyone has something that makes them feel insecure. Huh-hun! Including your perfect confidence-oozing role model and celebrity crush. Today, I talk about physical attributes that shake my confidence. Maybe tomorrow, I will talk about confidence itself and what makes me confident. 

On a final note, I don’t think it is necessarily a bad thing to occasionally feel insecure. Be aware of your insecurities, feel them, and own them. Key word is “own them.” Never let them own you. My jaga-jaga teeth haven’t stopped me from laughing or taking pictures. I’m only conscious of them when I’m being filmed or photographed by others and can’t see what they see ( I mean! I don’t want them to remember me the next time they see a grinning donkey). But when I’m in control, I feel more confident taking pictures and making videos with my teeth all over my face and sharing them. Lol. Silly, right?  

Also, making fun of what I consider my flaws never gets to me. You know why? Cos I’m aware, and I own them. I make jokes about them, so trying to shame me will be futile. I’ll most likely be laughing with you. But the few times a negative comment about my looks got to me, I didn’t waste time calling the offender to order. I don’t joke with my confidence or peace of mind. I don’t let myself share a space with people that will make me shrink or question my worth. I’m never giving anyone that power. I call the shots. 

So tell me, what makes you or once made you feel insecure? How do you/did you handle it? This is home, remember? Let’s talk.

I Am Judging You: Leg Shaving

Until recently, I used to judge people who shave their legs. I didn’t know leg shaving was a thing until 2015 when an aunt of mine said she needed to wash her hair and shave her legs that day. It took longer than usual to process the information.

You mean people actually sit and dedicate time and energy to shave off innocent and harmless hairs from their legs? For the longest time, I thought her legs were naturally smooth like that of the one who bore me. Wow! Talk about strange things. I hate to pick beans cos somehow, it triggers migraine and the more beans to pick, the worse the migraine. At that point, I’d have chosen beans picking over leg shaving if asked to shave.

How do y’all even keep up? Ah mean! Shaving the two essential places ( you know where and where) takes a lot of mental preparation. If not for the sake of hygiene, I’d let those things flourish like a wild bush. But then, hygiene! So we have to keep them immaculate for the second coming of our lord. I wouldn’t want to be caught unfresh when the lord comes, yunno. Thank God for the invention of shaving creams because I think shaving sticks were invented to give us an insight into hell and put us in check.

I still don’t think I’d ever subscribe to leg shaving cos I don’t think I possess the level of commitment it takes. And I suspect shaving them off makes them grow with a vengeance. This would mean having to shave at the sight of new growths. Wahala!

The absence of hair on legs makes a lot of difference and is more aesthetically appealing, I must admit. In my opinion, the presence of hair (coily ones, particularly) dulls one’s skin glow. I came to this conclusion from my recent observation. And maybe I don’t really see the need to shave the hairs on my legs off cos they aren’t wild. Even with leg hairs long enough to create the shortest kinds of false eyelashes, I’m still maintaining beauty with my glow intact. So I’d instead let sleeping hairs lie.

Hairy female legs. No leg shaving.

It would take an observant person to notice how hairy I am because the hairs don’t like stress and are always asleep. Very lazy things. Due to friction with surfaces like the bed, I noticed that some parts (the side that rubs the bed when you lie on your side) aren’t so hairy.

However, if I would have someone in charge of the scheduling and shaving of the hairs, with sitting pretty as my only responsibility, maybe I’d give in. I shouldn’t have much to worry about if it’s permanent hair removal. It should be easy to give in.

Suppose you’re one of those who shave your legs; I’m no longer judging you. I now see what you see. The judgment has been transferred to people who make being hairy—in the places that aren’t the ‘two essential places’—look like a sacrilege.

I am judging you; leg shaving
I am judging you! Yes, you!

Having hairy legs isn’t dirty or unhygienic. Possessing hairy legs is not a disease. Having hairy legs is as normal as having a head on your neck. Possessing hairy legs doesn’t translate to having testes. You need to stop shaming women with hairy legs. Though I’ve never been shamed for being hairy, I’ve witnessed beautiful women being shamed for something so natural. You all can do better. Dear hairy queens, be yourself and say no to “gender norms.”

Meanwhile, I’m going to schedule an appointment with my hairstylist. Locs on my legs should look good, right? While I do that, don’t forget to tell me what you think about leg shaving.


This is me, eight months later. The hairs on my legs are beginning to annoy me. Those things now look thicker and are more conspicuous. I honestly don’t know what changed, but I’m suspicious of the coconut oil I use on my skin. These days, I harbour the fear that I’ll one day wake up to a face with a full moustache and beards; the signs are there.

I used to have 99 problems, but now I have a 100 because having to trim my nasal hairs has been added. Those things are wild! Seeing someone’s nasal hairs while speaking to them is a turnoff, so I try not to be that person. I’m still very suspicious of the coconut oil. Don’t ask me why; I just need something to blame for the wildness my body hairs have been exhibiting lately. And I really can’t bring myself to stop using it. If only the hairs on my head and eyes would be that wild.

Can’t wait to become rich. The first thing I’d probably do is book a waxing appointment and be consistent with it. Until then, I’ll just enjoy my hair. My beautiful, dark solid hairs God intentionally put on me.

I Am Judging You: Big-feet Matter

I found myself awake at 4:15 am, after almost staring holes into the shoes of my friend, in my dream. She had really nice sneakers on, and I just thought it wasn’t fair. I didn’t bother hiding my irritation, I told her I didn’t like her again cos she had no right having varieties to chose from. In fact, you know what I wish for right now? I wish that y’all with small feet, would wake up one day and not find the left foot of each of your shoes. Only then would I be pacified.

I believe shoe designers/manufacturers treat us— ‘big feeted’ women— as after thoughts. That has got to be the reason why most times, we’re left with god-forbid designs. They probably feel we don’t deserve happiness cos we take up space on the path leading to greatness with our big feet. Or maybe they think we’re aliens and wouldn’t love to look good.

I love shoes, but you can’t tell since I’m always wearing slippers and sandals, most of which look borrowed, cos my toes or soles are always poking out of the edges like they are trying to run away from me. As a result, I unconsciously fold my toes sometimes, in an attempt to make them appear smaller.

My feet grew so fast, growing up. There could have been a thing such as feet fertilizer cos how else would a human being’s feet grow so fast? Y’all remember that trick our parents did back in the days—buying shoes one or two sizes larger so we’d be able to wear them for long? Well, it never worked for me. At eight, I was already sharing shoes with my mum. I wore a size 38. At ten, I wore a size 42; it was at this point I took my cross to the altar and told God to burn it. Cos what business did a short chubby girl like me, have with big feet and long fingers? The fingers, I could live with, but the feet? Hell no! I had had enough of walking about in shoes that looked borrowed when in fact they were sucking oxygen out of my feet.

You know the painful part about this whole story? My mom and the rest of the world, including me, had hopes that I would turn into a tall young lady, cos why not? All that bigness in the feet and palms couldn’t be for nothing. To our greatest shock, I stopped growing tall, but my feet kept growing ahead of me. Tragic, huh? I know.

So yes, I went to my dad—God— and cried out my eyes and bared my soul to him. I told him “I know I’ll be great and wealthy enough to afford specially made Italian shoes in this life, but I don’t want.” I forgot to mention how my mum would tease me and say I’d wear pam slippers specially designed by a shoemaker, on my wedding day, if my feet didn’t stop at 42, cos I wouldn’t be able to find my shoe size. My only other option would be to ask for custom made Italian shoes, which would be ridiculously expensive. That was her hinting I had to work towards being rich, else I end up wearing only handmade slippers everywhere. Our fear was that these feet would reach a 45.

This wasn’t a joke, I took that prayer point seriously. With tears in my eyes and voice, “God, make my feet stop growing, I beg you! Please,” I said. I prayed my rosary, wrote petitions, and went to the blessed sacrament. I wasn’t taking any chance. I believed in miracles.

If only my breast grew with so much vigour. I started growing them at eight, the impatient things really gave signs of being in people’s faces, but you should see them now—very humble. I must confess, at that time, I also didn’t want big breasts. I prayed against it cos the two little puffs were restricting my easy movement. They made life tuff, and I honestly wanted them gone at ten, especially when ‘they’ were forcing bras down my throat.

I thought I had seen it all, but it only got worse. Nobody warned me about the acne and stretchmarks that hit me like a tornado, afterwards. I honestly felt cursed. Why else would a child like me be going through so much trauma?!

Let’s get back to big-feet problems. I guess it’s safe to say my request was granted and my feet stopped growing. Did I just hear an Alleluia? That’s right, go ahead and scream it on my behalf, as you should. But I still hate y’all with the options of wearing the finest and cutest shoes. You are definitely not going to heaven, so enjoy life and your shoes while you can. In the end, nobody would take shoes to wherever souls go, after death.

To my fellow girls with big-feet problems, especially short ones like me who do not have the height to complement the big feet; we have a very big mansion in my Father’s estate (he told me that himself). We’ve suffered too much in this life—blisters, sore feet, ugly options— to now suffer in the other life again.

The short girls would get the VVIP mansions (for the extra suffering—going about in shoes that look bigger than us). The girls with height would get the ones without the VV (it’s not too late to trade your height now).

Now, here’s the summary of my story: I’m judging y’all in the fashion industry, designers particularly. Y’all can do better, plus size (boobs, ass, body, feet) folks deserve to look good too.

I’m also judging you if you have nice collection of shoes (I know it’s not your fault, but I’m judging you anyways, cos I can!).

#AllFeetMatter #SayNoToBigFeetDiscrimination #BigFeetGirlsDeserveHappiness too… I think we should start an Aluta. What do you think?

How Do I Look?

“I’m not fat, I’m thick;” “I don’t have a big stomach, it’s just chubby;” “I’m not thin, I only slimmed down;” are some of the statements I’ve made, in defense of how I look, just because I love to argue, not cos I really meant any.

While I may have made those statements playfully, there are people who actually get offended when called fat or thin. And I honestly can’t blame them; “fat” and “thin” when used, are usually condescending or meant to be shameful. Hence, most people no longer see them as just adjectives but insults. And now, poor people like me find it hard to describe a person as fat, or short, or thin, or even black, without it coming off as body shaming. But then, it is what it is. Cos how else do I give a clear picture of a person?

Now, there’s this trend of people getting offended when others make comments on how they look. Comments like “Sade, you’re looking good. See your cheeks, you’ve added weight o,” “Guy, are you dieting? You are lean, see your neck,” and a thousand other similar comments. I said it’s a trend now cos everywhere on social media, I see people warning friends, families, acquaintances and enemies, in advance, to mind their business and not make any comment on their ‘newly acquired look,’ when next they see. I don’t know if it’s them just being ‘woke,’ or catching cruise, or being really offended, cos such comments get to them.

Well, there are different strokes for different folks. I personally have no problem with people telling me I’ve lost or added weight, gotten shorter or taller, gotten lighter or darker. Really. This is because sometimes, my eyes and judgement aren’t enough. Some of these observations serve as eye openers for me. Well, depending on how you say it sha. Some will embarrass you, all in the name of being concerned…

I’m the kind who wouldn’t notice I’ve lost weight until I become a bag of dried bones, or add about two extra holes to my belt, or until my clavicles are deep enough to hold a litre of water.

Also, I do not want to look like a sack of fufu, before I realize I’ve become fat, and now start to drink garlic and ginger, boiled in Pigeon saliva, just to burn stubborn fat. So you see why I appreciate such observations and comments from people?

Most importantly, I appreciate it when people observe that my water bumbum is evaporating, before it totally disappears (only when it truly is. I hate false observations concerning my past), cos how else would I remain a destiny changer without my juicy past?

So yes, keep them comments coming. Go ahead and tell me how I look, my mirror may not be doing its work well enough. Just make sure you process carefully, whatever you think your eyes have seen, before opening your mouth gbagada to say what is not; I’m sure you don’t want to attlact curses to yourself. So shine your eyes well, before you tell me my bumbum has reduced or that I’m lean, when you’ve only seen my upper body. Wait to see my “lower body” fess, before you conclude than I’m now lean. My wells of salvation have come to stay; so without seeing my “lower body,” you’d be tricked to believe I’m lean. So my dears, let’s be careful, and not cause unnecessary commotion.

Tell me, what are your thoughts on unsolicited observations? Do they offend you or you’re open to them?

Are you one to give unsolicited observations?


I’m very angry. I’m going through my gallery, and I’m pissed. You know why? Cos I’m tired of seeing the same look. No spice. Nothing new, just same plain fine face. I’m bored already. Y’all that repeat styles consistently, I don’t know how you do it; I admire you.

Now, I’m not angry at my fine face, don’t get me wrong. I’m just angry at my friends, and myself. How can I not have even one friend that is very good with makeup? I mean, just how? It hurts to know I have very useless friends. I said what I said. Come and beat me, or better still, block me or delete my contact. Y’all who have no atom of skill in you, but have friends with gifted hands, whom you can always run to for help, have no idea how much God has done for you.

On some days, I have a picture of what I want to look like for church or an event. But it never becomes real. It dies in my head, just because I can’t do make up, and I don’t know how to style my hair. Very sad. I can spend about an hour, working on my face with my tools; powder, mascara, lipstick and eyeliner. The end result of a very long one hour? An almost plain face with very little difference from my natural face, and I ask myself, what’s the point? Waking up an hour earlier, spending between thirty minutes to an hour, only to still look plain? Nah. Thanks. I’ll just carry my face like that. Oh no, I’m not ready to pay money on makeup, not yet. Maybe someday, when I blow, or when I have a really big event.

It’s important to let you know that I do not like the idea of friends always wanting free stuff from their skilled friends. Let’s try to be reasonable, these skilled friends paid to acquire their skill(s) and spent money on acquiring their work tools and would also invest time in doing a job. Don’t you think always asking for freebies is witchcraft? At least, make an attempt to pay, let them decide if they’d work for free or give you a discount. Even family members should pay! But what are we friends for if you can’t do free makeup for me, ehn? Yes, with your tools. The result you’d get from my makeover should be rewarding enough for you. There are some things money can’t buy, you know.

Sighs. I’m angry at myself too. I don’t know how I ended up this useless. No skill at all. Not hair, not skin, not face. Just USELESS! I need new friends, and a new self, please. Audition starts now. Every skilled person is eligible, irrespective of gender.

PS: Note that in this rant, my use of “skill,” refers to just hair and makeup; strictly beauty related skills.


As I walked past a group of bored young men, I heard them talking and laughing out loudly, cos I was giving them joy. More precisely, my butt was giving them joy. Yes, my “succulent bum bum” has super powers.

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I recently saw a beach photo of a Nigerian celebrity, and my heart ‘awwwwn’ed. Of course, she was in a bikini and she was baring her tiger stripes to the eyes of both vultures and lambs. I found that to be very impressive and brave.

I’ve become used to seeing ridiculously edited pictures of celebrities, showing us only the glam side. So, you see why I was impressed? Never in my weirdest imaginations, would I have pictured this celeb to have stripes or any other physical flaw, cos she looks like a perfect real life brown skin barbie. I would have had that picture painted on my forehead, and my occupied chest, if I could, just for the world to see . Yes, that was how Impressed I was.

The picture brought memories of those days I wasn’t comfortable in my own skin; of how the girl who loved to show legs a lot, suddenly became a convent girl.

I think I’ve shared this story before. Well, here’s me sharing again, in a different shade of light.

Before puberty hit me hard into a coma that almost left me dead, I had the ‘perfect’ body; no one told me this, I just loved my skin a lot, that made it perfect for me. I had lots of really short skirts, shorts, and some short denim dungaree dresses. I loved showing my legs a lot. I was a child, so showing skin was acceptable, until some foreign things that behaved like snails started to grow on my innocent chest— it felt like stones were planted there. That was one very scary experience, I was just eight. Well, that’s not the subject now, let’s not deviate. We are supposed to be talking about tiger stripes. So yes, back to that.

I was ten years old when my body started to fully change. Those snail like creatures were beginning to get bigger and heavier for me to accommodate on my chest, and I wasn’t ready to have them caged, cos really, I found it embarrassing. I was barely eleven for crying out loud, why would I be wearing what people like my mother and aunts wore? That would make me an outcast among my peers—wearing a bra, I mean. So, I chose to deal with the pain that came with running, jogging, or walking fast with those monstrous things on my chest, without restraint. Like that wasn’t enough punishment for being a girl, I woke up to find some stagnant earthworm like creatures on my body. If I could run from me, I would have. I screamed and cried.

A lot of thoughts ran through my mind. Did I offend anyone in school? Was that the effect of eating spaghetti and noodles? Or was I reacting to the new body cream? Is there a treatment for it? The sight disgusted me, cos those marks really looked like earthworms— brown, and fat. They were still very fresh. I had them on my lower body. Well, the break of the news that it had no cure, destroyed me. It was finished; shakara had ended and I wasn’t even a teenager yet.

I just thought life wasn’t being fair to me. First, I had been dealing with my mates and adults referring to me as ‘bum bum’ or singing ‘Seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, bumbum!’ when I walked, since I was very little. Let’s just say that didn’t really bother me. Okay, I just lied cos it actually did bother me, but I learnt to shrug it off. Then came the aliens on my chest; I was still really struggling with that— how their eyes popped, and entered their shell still freaked me out. It got really bad, my mom had to suggest I get them chopped off, since I couldn’t live in harmony with them. Now, I had stretchmarks (which I later rechristianed ‘Tiger stripes’) added to the list of my misfortunes. In my mind, I was like ‘God, how far na? I’m supposed to be your favourite child. Why are you letting evil befall me?’

That was the beginning of wearing very long skirts for me. If it wasn’t way below my knee, I wouldn’t wear it; it had to reach my calf just a little below where the stretchmarks ended. People assumed I was just a very churchy church girl, they didn’t know what was supping. Well, I was a church girl (still one), but I wasn’t the kind of church girl they thought— the ‘SU’ kind.

I dreaded Wednesdays, in secondary school, cos that meant wearing shorts, and it wasn’t an option. It was compulsory to be in the school sports wear. This was what I did; I’d wear black tights beneath my shorts and sag my shorts just so it masked my ‘disease’ to an extent. There was my school skirt too, it fitted really well, thanks to my small waist and wide hips but there was a ‘but’…it was a ‘wedding dress.’ It was long! I admired other girls who could wear knee length and mid-knee length skirts without a reason to be ashamed.

It wasn’t until after secondary school I saw the light. Isn’t God great? I finally woke up from the coma. The miracle happened cos I accepted that I couldn’t change my situation. I had no control over biological changes in my body. I didn’t choose to have stretch marks. Well, by now, they weren’t so irritating, the marks had faded from reddish brown to blend with my skin colour to an extent. That was the birth of ‘tiger stripes.’ I didn’t even know that was already a thin. The marks just reminded me of tiger stripes and I loved the sound, it didn’t sound like a disease of some sort. And that’s how I got my groove back. Yasss! I stopped having shame. Shame for what? No be person I kill, na stretch marks I get. Anyone offended by the sight should kindly look away. Don’t break!

So, my beautiful ladies and gentlemen endowed with tiger stripes, or any physical flaw at all, on any part of your body, don’t let it limit you from doing things you’d love to do. Please, be comfortable in your skin. Wear that armless shirt; put on those shorts; hit the pool or beach in that hot bikini or swim suit, only if you want. Do not let anyone shame you for a ‘crime’ you didn’t choose to commit. You know why? Cos life’s too short to not wear shorts!

Shout out to Inidima Okojie, for showing us her perfect imperfection.

PS: Did you know that stretch marks and cellulites are some of the prices (I’m aware of) for having thick thighs; just to save your lives? Shaking my head. The things we do for love ehn. Some of y’all don’t deserve us. Yes, I said us, you know what that means.


One of the fastest ways to get me mad is by body shaming. I mean it. I can’t stand people who body shame others, it irks me. It’s enough reason to break up with a guy, for me. It is never funny to make fun of a person or riducle a person for his phenotype. We talk about depression here and there, many cases have resulted to suicide. Then you start to hear many saying “He should have spoken up,” “She should have talked about it.” With who? I ask . You? The same you who’d never stop shaming his body? You who constantly made her feel less of a human cos she was too fat or too thin? Just think again, some of these suicide cases are due to body shaming and bullying. Oh yeah, you should go for confession for committing murder. You think cos that girl, that boy you body shamed or constantly body shame is still breathing, you’re free? Has it ever occurred to you that that girl, that boy could just be a living body with a dead or crumbled personality cos of your thoughtlessness ? Of course not. The point is whether the victim is breathing or nah, you’re still guilty of murder!

You’re probably thinking, this girl sef too get wahala. Break up with a guy for always body shaming people? It may not make any sense to you. It will soon, let me paint you a picture. Let’s assume I’m a girl with the “perfect body,” small waist, flat tummy, medium size boobs, wide hips with a big butt and a fine face. I can’t exactly be described as fat or thin. I’m dating this guy who adores my body and is always happy to flaunt me. He loves me totally, that’s what I and every other person thinks. He’s almost perfect, ticks 95% of every girl’s list, but… he never stops making comments about how Amara’s calves are like Abuja yams, how thin and boyish Sola is and how dating her will be like dating a fellow boy, how Hadiza’s yansh is flatter than pancakes , how Aniekan’s legs are like toothpick, how Ese’s stomach looks bigger than her achievements, how Omada’s boobs are like the fallen walls of Jericho or are similar to the famous downfall of Olympus and so on. Well, I don’t think him talking about them is a problem, after all he loves me and my body is perfect.

Years later, I get married to him. He feels like he just earned the world’s biggest and most expensive trophy with his name engraved on it. We are couple goals until nineteen months later, when we welcome our first child together and my body refuses to go back to what it used to be. I have the tattoo of motherhood all over my stomach and my once upon a time perky boobs. My stomach now resembles an over soaked bag of garri. My husband now sees me and gets turned off, he suddenly doesn’t adore me anymore, he feels uncomfortable to be seen in public with me now . Only then do I realize he never really loved me, he only loved my body and now that that body is gone… You know the rest.

This is why I say, fall for a person’s personality and other qualities, not just the looks. Let the looks be a plus. Age will set in, accidents could happen, childbirth will change some things. What now happens when the beautiful body or face or height is lost?

Say no to body shaming, never join in laughing at a supposedly funny joke at the expense of another’s feeling. It destroys people mentally and physically. Don’t be the reason for another’s low self-esteem or depression. Learn to love people the way they are, we didn’t choose what we look like, just like we didn’t get to chose the family or country we were born into. You could have been me and I could have been you. Again I say, say no to body shaming. Nobody’s body should be your problem. Are you even perfect ? Worry about you first.